"Storm of Love" is now available on Netflix!
Sturm der Liebe auf Netflix
Learn more©ARD, Cristof Arnold. "Sturm der Liebe", Staffel 16, Traumpaar Franzi & Tim
©ARD, Cristof Arnold. "Sturm der Liebe", Staffel 16, Traumpaar Franzi & Tim
As of today, the entire 16th of the 18 seasons of "Storm of Love" is available for viewing on Netflix, and thus for the first time outside of the ARD's broadcasters and media libraries. Several media reviews see this as an important step towards preserving the series. You can read about it in Bunte (online), Fernsehserien (online), Wunschliste (online), News38 (online), DWDL and many more.
Congratulations to our VOD team, led by Niko Chainopoulos, who got the deal off the ground. "Storm of Love" is a long-running format on ARD, which is also celebrated by a large fan community abroad. The successful telenovela has so far been sold to over 20 countries worldwide, with fixed broadcasts in Italy, Latvia and Benelux for over 10 years. Now it can also be seen in Germany on Netflix.
We show you a presentation of the telenovela HERE. Ask our Sales Team for more information on its content and videos.